Personal Health Budgets
PHBs are regarded as a means of giving you more control over the support you receive.
They provide you
with the option to decide where you believe you would receive the best support.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is this personal health budget?
1. A personal health budget (PHB) is an amount of NHS money is allocated to meet your health and wellbeing needs if you are eligible to receive it. You will be able to use your budget to buy services that best meet your needs. Sociability can advise you on your eligibility, and take you through the process from start to finish.
Can I get a personal health budget?
2. Under NHS Regulations 2013, anyone in receipt of NHS Continuing Healthcare has the right to ask for a PHB. Basically, if you have been under the mental health team within the last six months or you are on their records, you should be eligible. This can be done at our venue with one of our staff accompanying you if you wish.
Yeah, but I'm worried about losing my benefits!
3. PHBs have nothing to do with any welfare benefits you are receiving. They're not means-tested, they're not regarded as an income.
What's in it for me?
4. PHBs are regarded as a means of giving you more control over the support you receive. They provide you with the option to decide where you believe you would receive the best support.
So why should I have one to attend activities at Sociability?
Though we have tried tirelessly to keep Sociability as it was, a free of charge, open to all group. The way funding is provided has changed. Along with these changes to funding, Sociability developed our services to a level which offers the service user one of the best facilities available in this area. Therefore, with no other option available to us, we are using the system provided to acquire funding. We offer two options, access all chosen activities paid for via your PHB or a fee for morning, afternoon and all-day activities.
PHB Assessment Form
For more information on Personal Health Budgets or to reserve an assessment, please fill out this form